Author Archives: Administrator


We haven’t updated this for awhile! Check out our stuff on Facebook. It seems to be the best way to reach people right now! That is at least until the next thing comes along.

Our Facebook

Hello all! Marguerite and I have been doing more updates on our Facebook pages. Thanks to Jeff for getting me hooked on it! We will still update this page, but we have been putting more pictures over on Facebook. Here is a link to our “Mobile Uploads” that contains pictures we upload from our cell phone. It is cool for when we are out and about!

Take care!

Family Update

Hello again everyone! Just a quick note to say that Benjamin had tubes put in his ears, and at the same time had his adenoids removed. That was a couple of weeks ago now, and he is doing great. He was very brave during the whole process. He had a lot of fluid in his ears for a long time, and we have noticed a difference already in his hearing.

Elisabeth is finally pooping on the potty! She has been going pee by herself for awhile now, but never turned the corner and went poop. Once we finally got her to do it, she realized it wasn’t scary and now she’s doing it regularly! We are happy and proud of her.

Scott just upgraded the WordPress version that we use on the blog, so hopefully everything still works!

Ready for some warm weather! Check out some of our new photos in the gallery too.

Bye bye!

Update for September 1st

Hi everyone! We had a great trip to Michigan in August to see the family and go to Jeff’s 30th birthday and graduation party. We did lots of cool stuff while we were there! Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Poest were happy to see the kids, and it was great visiting them. Sorry that we didn’t have time to make the rounds and see everyone! We didn’t stay as long as we liked due to work stuff, but it was still a great trip. The kids did so great in the car for 12 hours each way! When we got home, there had been a bad thunderstorm that blew our mailbox off the post and down the hill in the back yard. Now it’s bungy-corded back to the post until we get a new one. There are lots of pictures in the gallery of the Michigan trip and the aftermath of the storm.

We also posted some pictures from Scott’s graduation, and some of today’s picnic outside! The weather today was fantastic! Nice breeze, low temps and humidity, so we had a picnic on the deck! That was after we put some extra bracing under it (long overdue project) and cleaned out underneath it! I’m telling you that was gross! We had a colony of Cave Crickets living under a bunch of wood and dead leaves. What seemed like hundreds attacked us as we were cleaning out all of the crud under the deck. That will be the first place we get the leaves out of this fall. Check out all of the new pics in the gallery!

Out on the boat!

Today we rented a boat and cruised around the lake for awhile. The kids had a blast swimming in the lake and riding around. It was a great day for it, nice and HOT. We put a bunch of pictures in the photo album so be sure to check them out!

New Pictures

Scott’s been finishing up his MBA and will be done on Tuesday. YEAH! That has taken up pretty much all available time. However, he did find time to put some new pictures in the photo albums. Check them out!